Our premium garage package includes:
4x4 treated runners
2x6 floor joist (12" oc)
2×6 TG treated flooring
2x4 studs
LP Smartside siding and trim
1/2" osb on roof
metal roof (20 colors to choose from)
ridge vent
8x7 roll-up garage door
5" overhang
Premium Garage Package
Our premium garage package is a great choice for anyone looking for an extremely sturdy, yet stylish building!
These are the base prices for our premium garages:
10x10 - $6,900
10x12 - $7,380
10x16 - $7,740
10x20 - $8,600
10x24 - $9,460
12x12 - $8,476
12x16 - $9,368
12x20 - $10,160
12x24 - $11,052
12x28 - $12,044
12x32 - $13,136
12x36 - $13,928
12x40 - $14,520
Below are on-site builds only:
14x16 - $9,886
14x20 - $11,020
14x24 - $12,154
14x28 - $13,418
14x32 - $14,555
14x40 - $16,690
16x16 - $11,174
16x20 - $12,304
16x24 - $13,800
16x28 - $15,110
16x32 - $16,363
16x40 - $17,960