Our stylish barnstyle with front porch includes:
- 2 lofts
- 9-lite man door
- one 2x3 window
- porch included in size
- 4x4 treated runners
- 2x4 treated floor joist
- ¾ LP Prostruct flooring
- 2x4 studs
- LP smartside siding and trim
- ½ osb on roof
- Metal roofing

Barn Style with Front Porch
These are the base prices for our barn style sheds with a front porch.
10x16 - $5,400 or RTO $275/36 mo - $249/48 mo
10x20 - $6,200 or RTO $314/36 mo - $285/48 mo
12x16 - $5,650 or RTO $287/36 mo - $260/48 mo
12x20 - $6,250 or RTO $316/36 mo - $287/48 mo
12x24 - $7,400 or RTO $373/36 mo - $338/48 mo
12x28 - $8,350 or RTO $420/36 mo - $380/48 mo
12x32 - $9,550 or RTO $479/36 mo - $434/48 mo
12x36 - $10,650 or RTO $540/36 mo - $490/48 mo
12x40 - $11,680 or RTO $591/36 mo - $536/48 mo